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Sound of the Auditorium (Zvuk Auly) is a documentary theatre which analyses the current status quo of the students in the Slovak university education. Situated in the representative spaces of the academic system and based on the student’s perspectives, it discusses the role of culture, inspirational models and authorities. The university in this project becomes critical theatre space – the arena for symbolic expression of social processes.
Premiere: 27. 2. 2017 / MTF STU_Aula prof. Čabelku / Length: 60 minutes
Concept – performers: Peter Mazalan / Martina Šimkovičová / Martin Zaiček / Soprano: Eva Šušková / Visuals: Jakub Pišek / Violoncello: Pavol Mucha / Piano: Maroš Klátik, Braňo Ladič / Choir – performers: Dorota Volfová, Brigita Teplanová, Mária Štrbíková, Katarína Nedelská