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„Dear Stanka. We spoke on the phone together today. So I am writing more about the project. It is a work combining text by Hermann Hesse’s Demian and Bach’s music – the cantata Ich habe genug / It is enough. That’s also the title of the project. It is important to me, as it is my own late homosexual coming out. The fact that it has now (the murder of two gays in Bratislava) become relevant in a wider context is unfortunately a sad coincidence.

The project was conceived for a chamber orchestra and actors Jana Oľhová, Richard Autner and dancer Juraj Korec. However, the grant for reruns is smaller and does not allow me the opportunity to return to the cast I had, the project is an absolute priority for me. Without losing its original idea, I am now conceiving it as a process and development. Reruns will become a comparison and reflection of the premiere of which we have a video-recording. Comparing the fear that carefully shaped my thoughts and gestures. Over time, my self-acceptance and the circumstances in society have changed. What I could not articulate with fear and anxiety before, I am now willing to move to the level that I wanted at the time of premiere. In principle, I want to work more with movement and body – with fear and self-harm (forms of aggression through a male pendant on the stage, who represents myself), fear of female interest, which brought me disturbing situations and lies (female performer, dancer), fear of the world, which I had stereotyped in my head as one where I don’t want to  belong (fear of the future – senior – there I would like to work with Jana Oľhová as originally). The whole concept of acceptance, mistrust and fear concludes with finding a relationship and love, something I thought I would never dare to acquire. At the end of the show, we will hear the sound of the iron curtain opening in front of me. That’s all. The message of this performance I hope is not just for me and about me…“

Facebook: 24 Oct 2022, 17:39 (to Stanislava Vlčeková)


It is enough / Ich habe genug is a theatre project that aims to contribute to the discussion of equality and tolerance. In the production, the Bach’s cantata in connection with Hermann Hesse’s lyrics becomes an insight into the experience of a homosexually oriented person. Is Bach’s work an apparent aesthetic splendor that remains only a form to cover up doubts, fears or mistrust? Is this timeless music just an empty prayer that represents only the composer’s mastery? Can the viewer experience a new quality of contemplation and, by listening deeply in the presence of a real, affected person, open himself to an understanding of human difference and the desire for a better being?


Music:  Johann Sebastian Bach
Text:  Demian: Hermann Hesse
Concept, directing, scenography, singing:  Peter Mazalán
Choreography, dance, performance:  Radoslav Piovarči, Stanislava Vlčeková, Jana Oľhová
Soundart, music:  Fero Király
Lighting design:  Peter Mazalán, Igor Iliť

Chamber music ensemble: Violine: Ľubica Habart, Oboe: Matúš Veľas, Piano: Sylvia Urdová

Duration: 60 min

Video stage projection:
Opera of the State Theatre Košice

Premiere of this version:
Studio 12, Bratislava, 16. 12. 2022